
Bylaws of the Japanese Association for Women Radiation Oncologists (JAWRO)

  1. Association name

    The Association shall be named the Japanese Association for Women Radiation Oncologists (JAWRO)

  2. Location

    The Association will be located at the Department of Radiation Oncology , Shiga General Hospital 5-4-30 Moriyama, Moriyama-shi, Shiga, 524-8524, JAPA

  3. Secretariat

    The Secretariat of the Association will be  established at the Department of Radiation Oncology , Shiga General Hospital 5-4-30 Moriyama, Moriyama-shi, Shiga, 524-8524, JAPAN

  4. Objective

    The objective of the Association is to provide female doctors and researchers in the field of radiation oncology with opportunities to gather and exchange information, to increase new opportunities for next-generation female radiation oncologists, and to support their contributions to society at large

  5. Members

    1) Regular Members: Female doctors and researchers in the field of radiation oncology who agree with and support the objectives of the Association.

    2) Associate Members: Male doctors, researchers and medical workers in the field of radiation oncology who agree with and support the objectives of the Association.

    3) Supporting Members: Medical organizations that agree with and support the objectives of the Association.

    4) Honorary Members and Advisors: Individuals who have been approved by the Association for their distinguished service

  6. The following officers will constitute the Management Committee.

    One president

    Several Management Committee members

    One accountant

    Several persons at the Secretariat

    One auditor

    Several advisor

  7. Programs

    1) To achieve the goals of the Association, at least one General Meeting shall be held, including at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology and on other occasions. 

    2) A Management Committee meeting will be held on the day of the General Meeting and on other occasions as necessary.

    3) Local branches of the Association’s organization can be established

  8. Membership fees

    Membership fees shall be separately specified

  9. Accounting

    The expenses of the Association shall be covered by Annual Membership Fees and donations. The results of accounting and auditing will be reported at the General Meeting. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on April 1 of each year and end on March 31 of the following year

  10. Any member who wishes to join or withdraw from the Association must submit notice of their intention to the President. The procedures for admission and withdrawal are separately specified.
  11. Changes to the Bylaws shall be made only after they have been discussed by the Management Committee and approved by the Members.
  12. The Association may be dissolved after it has been discussed by the Management Committee and approved by the Members.

Schedule 1. The Bylaws shall come into force as of September 19, 2009.

Schedule 2. Part of the Regulations as amended shall apply as of April 14, 2012.

Schedule 3. Part of the Regulations as amended shall apply as of April 14, 2018.

Schedule 4. Part of the Regulations as amended shall apply as of April 14, 2020.

Schedule 5. Part of the Regulations as amended shall apply as of April 17, 2021.

Schedule 6. Part of the Regulations as amended shall apply as of April 13, 2024.